Saturday, August 7, 2010

Celebrating Richard's Birthday

The three of us (Richard, Linda and Erin) awoke early to get to the Tamarack Zip Line, which was a birthday gift to Richard.  We were the first ones there. After receiving a little training and dawning company equipment we headed to the ziplines. There are eight. The first two are for training purposes, and then we took a van to the top of the mountain – 1700 or so feet – and got serious. What a rush! These photos should tell the story, mostly of Richard since it was his day. The excursion over all the lines took us about 4 ½ hours, and then we went out for Richard’s birthday lunch at Subway Sandwich. When we got home we fixed strawberry shortcake. Jana and the kids called so we sang “Happy Birthday” with them on speakerphone, then Rich blew out the candles.

Rich running down the ramp to pick up speed
You can see the red dot in the middle -- that's Richard, zipping along about 45 mph.

Richard coming in for a landing at the treehouse
Erin was fearless

Rich coming in for another landing after zipping about a thousand feet
Linda on one of the walking bridges.  Always confident and got up a lot of speed, but crash landed 7 out of 8 times. Unhurt and wants to go again. 

Happy Birthday, Papa. 

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